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Case Results

Northwest Bicyclist Injured When Car Crossed Five Lanes of Traffic

September 2018

We represented a cyclist who was riding in a bike lane on Lambert Road in Oro Valley.  The adverse driver attempted to cross Lambert to enter into her apartment complex. She struck the side of our client's bike, and he was thrown onto her hood, suffering serious injuries.  We expeditiously obtained our client's medical records, determined the adverse driver's insurance limits, presented a demand package, and settled the case for the adverse driver's $250,000 policy limits.  

Kurt Kroese

Kurt Kroese started practicing law in 1993 with a large firm in Tucson which emphasized the defense of personal injury claims involving motor vehicles, premises liability and defective products.  Mr. Kroese became a partner in that firm, handling increasingly complex personal injury cases, includ...

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Time is of the essence in the cases we handle. To beat Arizona's statute of limitations and ensure the facts in your case are fresh, contact Biaggi, Kroese & Campbell PLLC today.